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Vital nourishment for Virginia

Dear Lesley,

Virginia is in the second grade at the United Mission Community Primary School in Sierra Leone. Her father is a custodian and her mother stays at home to take care of Virginia and her three sisters. Virginia’s father earns one dollar per day, which is not enough to fully support this family of five.

Virginia’s family lives in a single bedroom apartment and cannot afford proper nutrients for these three growing children. Door of Hope supports children like Virginia by providing vitamin supplements to ensure a healthy childhood. Door of Hope is working to eliminate malnutrition and dropout rates in school due to disease and lack of nourishment.

Thank you, Lesley, for supporting Door of Hope and Virginia. With your help, Door of Hope supplied Virginia with a year’s supply of vitamin supplements. Virginia’s parents cannot afford to feed her nutritional, balanced meals due to their poor economic state.
Thank you, again, Lesley, for your care and support when her parents could not.

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